Head Office
Posted 6 months ago

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), a volunteer-based NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education and services in Ghana, hereby announces its intention to recruit IPs under the Global Fund supported Community Systems Strengthening for HIV under the Grant Cycle Seven (GC7) to be implemented from now until December 2026.
This Call for Application seeks Implementing Partners (IPs) to Implement community-led efforts to achieve the 95/95/95 targets for HIV with PPAG as SR. In principle, PPAG seeks three IPs– for HIV focused Areas.
PPAG is seeking organizations to strengthen and expand community responses that address bottlenecks in maximizing the scale-up of the HIV treatment cascade, including addressing human rights and gender-related barriers. This funding aims to provide direct support to civil society-led programs, while strengthening community systems, including through effective governance and oversight.

Component Programmatic Priority Areas*
HIV Community-led programs to improve treatment cascade are tailored, harmonized, strengthened and expanded with the aim of improving linkage to care, retention in care and viral suppression, while removing barriers in access to services to most vulnerable populations, including youth and adolescents. (i.e. models of hope, mentor mothers, CATS).
Civil Society Strengthening Integrate and strengthen community systems to increase effectiveness of community-based response and address stigma, discrimination, and other access barriers to accessing HIV services.
Human Rights Gender and Human Rights related barriers are identified, and effective interventions are integrated and harmonized with HIV-related interventions to maximize impact on both diseases and improve sustainability of the program.

* Ghana Country Team Guidance on the Definition of the CSO Approach & Selection of the New CSO PR for HIV
PPAG invites applications from reputable Civil Society Organisations that want to be considered as IPs for the above components and priority areas. The IP must have adequate financial management systems; institutional and programmatic capacity; monitoring and evaluation system; and procurement and supply management structures.
The IP shall be responsible for implementation of HIV/AIDS interventions within the Project location. An IP must be an entity that is locally registered and operating in Ghana with an independent supervisory board and have legal status and right to enter into a grant agreement with PPAG. Each IP will be fully accountable to PPAG and has formal legal obligations towards

PPAG with regards to grant funds and the implementation of the programs. These obligations are set out in the Grant Agreement.

Organizations applying will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Technical Expertise: Demonstrated experience in management of projects in the health sector of substantial size and scope and have expertise in the priority areas selected. Demonstrated engagement with the community to implement health programming. Prior experience implementing Global Fund projects will be considered an added advantage, but it is not essential. [30 points]

Financial Management: Have adequate internal financial control systems and capacity to make timely procurements and payments and to accurately report all transactions, disbursements and balances; be able to adhere to standard practices that safeguard Global Fund financial and physical assets; agree to be subjected to financial and program audits. [20 points]

Management and Oversight: Have a structure that demonstrates effective organizational governance and leadership with clear division of functions and tasks; have policies and practices that support effective management of human resources, engages routinely in planning and have systems of control to verify that activities are being carried out in conformity with plans and are accomplishing intended goals. [20 points]

Coordination: Demonstrate plan for coordinating program implementation with other public, private and civil society actors in Ghana, including monitoring and accountability. Describe approach to complement and link with formal health system and community. [25 points]

Physical and IT Infrastructure: Have adequate infrastructure (i.e. physical, material, and technical resources for staff) and computerized management information systems and internet in place for timely e-transactions, communications, and financial and program/project reporting. [5 points]

The application must not exceed 10 pages including front page and must be submitted in English using Times Roman 12-point font. Note that any pages beyond the 10-page limit will not be considered. The following information must be provided:
1) Cover Page: Organization name, physical address, legal registration number, contact person and designation, and type of organization (Private, FBO, Local NGO)
2) Brief description of organization (broad goals and objectives, established date)
3) Technical Expertise: Description of the organization’s experience and expertise managing projects of substantial size and scope, particularly involving community engagement. Brief description of health-related activities and accomplishments, including geographic scope.
4) Financial Management: Provide information on the financial management systems and capacities of the organization, including experience in managing large grants.

5) Management and Oversight: Brief description of the organizational structure, qualifications and competencies within the organization and description of the professional expertise of staff. Also describe systems for programmatic oversight and procurement.

6) Coordination: Plan to coordinate activities with other public, private and civil society actors, including monitoring and accountability, and for managing the flow of financial and program information between the sub-recipients and PR.

7) Physical and IT Infrastructure: Description of computer infrastructure, including software for communications and for obtaining, storing, analyzing and reporting financial and program information.
In addition, the following documents must be submitted, but will not count against the 10-page limit:
• Organizational chart
• Proof of registration/legal status
• General organizational policy and procedures manual
• Audit reports issued during the past three (3) years.
The application (electronic version in an organized folder) should be submitted to with the subject line: PPAG IP Application_GC7_ [insert name of organization] by 6pm, 6th September 2024.
A set of hardcopies should reach the Executive Director, 6- Naa Asia Road, laterbiokorshie /GA-364-074921, Accra by close of business 5pm, 6th September 2024.

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