Revenue Mobilization


Social Enterprise Accelerated Project (SEAP)
As donor funding continues to decrease, there is an increasing need for initiatives and investments that would ensure organizational sustainability. Hence, the establishment of a Social Enterprise programmes to raise funds to support social activities that will impact on vulnerable and marginalized groups. This project is a Social Enterprise Initiative established to contribute to the locally generated income to support PPAG’s programmatic activities and to help PPAG to become self- sustaining. The venture focuses on publications, hiring of its conference facility and consultancy services to target markets as well as providing training in SRHR NGOs and health service providers.

The project has an overall objective to generate $250,000.00 through all the social enterprise ventures by December 2022. To achieve this, its portfolios will be expanded through purchase of new machinery, upgrading the facility, focusing on specialized training in SRHR and youth friendly services, introduction of new services. Demand generation activities such as adverts on social media, client visits and activations will be intensified to attract new clients. To achieve sustainability, effectiveness and efficiency in operations, policies that govern the venture’s operations will be put in place, operational costs will be managed in order to make profits. Staff capacity will also be enhanced.

Expanding PPAG Resource Base for Financial Sustainability through Resource Mobilization
With the donor landscape experiencing some decline, this project seeks to strategically position PPAG to attract funding and partnerships to enhance its sustainability. This will be done by implementing targeted activities aimed at increasing PPAG’s visibility in the media (traditional and social media) and strategic Private Public Partnerships and Engagement with the donor community through courtesy calls and targeted meetings. It is expected that these engagements will position PPAG as the preferred CSO for technical and financial assistance to programme implementations and contribute to the sustainability of the Association.

Furthermore, PPAG will intensify its resource mobilization activities which will include training of volunteers and staff on the implementation of resource mobilization strategy at all levels, proposal developments and also demonstrate credibility and efficiency and ensure that, PPAG maintains her position as the leading SRHR CSO in the country. This project will drive the growth of PPAG ’s donor funding by 10% and also improve its visibility as a lead SRHR CSO by the end of 2022.

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