PPAG Careers


1) Background Ghana has for decades had a young demographic base, ranking highly across the Africa region1. This favourable demographic dividend is however defied with significant challenges in health, education, and socio-economic factors. In health particularly, according to the most recent Maternal Health Survey in Ghana (2017), teenage pregnancy accounts for 11.2% of all pregnancies, and unsafe abortion is most common among young people aged 20 and under (29.9%). Contraceptives use among sexually active women is lowest among young people (9.8%); teenage pregnancy represents 11.2% of all pregnancies. Additionally, there has been a sharp rise in the prevalence of HIV among young individuals. According to the Ghana AIDS Commission's 2020 National and Sub-National HIV and AIDS Report, out of the 13,982 new HIV infections that occurred, 5,211 affected people aged 15 to 24. Of those, 4,348 (or 83%) were women. Similarly, females accounted for approximately 92% of new infections among the 10-19 age bracket. Furthermore, issues of sexual and gender-based violence remain prevalent among young people2.

[pdf-embedder url="https://www.ppag-gh.org/nu/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/RHESY-Evaluation-TOR.pdf" title="RHESY Evaluation - TOR"]

Job Features

Job CategoryConsultant

TERMS OF REFERENCE 1) Background Ghana has for decades had a young demographic base, ranking highly across the Africa region1. This favourable demographic dividend is however defied with significant c...

PLANNED PARENTHOOD ASSOCIATION OF GHANA (PPAG) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: RECRUITMENT OF EXTERNAL AUDITOR FOR PPAG TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) 1.0 Background The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) was incorporated under the Ghana Companies Act 1963, Act 179 on 4th March 1967 as amended and became a full member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in 1969 PPAG is a volunteer-supported, rights based, grass-root-based, and non-partisan Civil Society Organisation (CSO) working in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Ghana. Over the past 56 years, PPAG has gained expertise and has become acredible leader among CSOs working in the SRHR sector, with specialization in gender transformative approaches and adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights. The Association works to complement the government’s efforts in the provision of SRHR information, education and services to the general population, particularly young people (including adolescents) and women; and also, vulnerable groups including persons living with disability, prison inmates, adolescent female internal emigrants among others. It currently has 10 service delivery centers across the country. 2.0. PURPOSE The Association has over the years been audited by several Audit Firms to fulfil the requirements of International Planned Parenthood Association (IPPF), Donors, the Governing Council, Management and the Companies Act 1963, Act 179 as amended by Act 992 of 2019. The purpose of this invitation is to engage an audit firm of international repute to audit the Association’s operations and to express an independent opinion on the fairness of the financial statements on annual basis in accordance with all relevant regulatory requirements. 3.0. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The successful firm shall audit the financial statements of the Association and issue a report in accordance with all statutory requirements on annual basis for the period of engagement. This report shall contain the independent opinion of the auditors on the fairness of the presentation of the financial statements. 4.0. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE FIRM a. The firm must qualify under Section 138 of Company Act 2019, Act 992. b. The firm must be recognised as a licensed Audit Firm in Ghana, according to Institute of Chartered Accounts Act 2020,Act 1058 and internationally recognised with branches across the world. c. At the time of the application, the firm must be and shall remain throughout the recruitment process remain in good standing with the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana. d. The firm must have been in audit practice of similar entity for a minimum of fifteen (15) years e. The firm must have sufficient qualified number of staff to undertake the assignments at any given time; at least two-third (2/3) of the team members must belong to internationally recognised Accountancy Professional Body with not less than five (5) years post qualification experience in similar role. f. The team lead with requisite professional qualifications must have been handling similar assignments continuously for not less than ten (10) years and a person of high integrity. g. Must demonstrate sufficient knowledge in the SRHR industry . 5.0. Submission of Proposal: The firm should provide the following in their proposal: • CVs of key personnel who will be involved in the exercise with their specific roles. • Evidence of similar assignments conducted within the last 5 years, including references • Technical proposal- detailed methodology, work schedules and verifiable means of quality assurance • Financial proposal. All quotations must be in Ghanaian Cedi (GHS). • Tax Clearance certificate from GRA and Company Registration documents. • SSNIT clearance certificate from Social Security and National Insurance Trust. Closing date of submission: Friday, 21st April 2023 All applications should be sent to: auditor.job@ppag-gh.org Or The Executive Director, PPAG P.O. Box AN 5756, Accra North Or Hand delivered at: PPAG Head Office Nasia Road, Laterbiokorshie Attention: The Ag. Procurement and Administration Manager The subject line should read: “RECRUITMENT OF EXTERNAL AUDITOR”

Job Features

Job CategoryAuditor


Full Time
Posted 1 year ago
POSITION: FINANCE ADMINISTRATION OFFICER DIRECTLY REPORT TO: FACILITY HEAD INDIRECTLY REPORT TO: SENIOR FINANCE MANAGER and PROCUREMENT AND ADMINISTRATION MANAGER HEAD OFFICE LOCATION: Tamale DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Prepares monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual projects and other financial and any other reports that may be assigned • Coordinate and ensure that expenses are incurred in accordance with the Association’s policies. • Coordinates and ensures that expenditure returns are received, reviewed, properly coded and entered into the accounting system. • Prepares consolidated final accounts and supporting schedules for the end- of -year audits • Ensures that consistency is maintained in the internal control system and report any lapses to the Senior Finance Manager • Coordinates and ensures that funds are available for activity implementation • Undertakes monthly update of Fixed Asset Register for the facility and projects • Ensures that all non-current assets are well coded and recorded in the assets register. • Facilitate procurement of goods, works and services in accordance with PPAG’s policies and procedures at the facility. • Ensure that all assets are properly maintained and insured at all time. • Prepares monthly Bank Reconciliation statements • Assists in preparation of Annual Business Plan (BP) • Prepares Annual Workplans and completes Performance Appraisal Form • Manages the facility’s store in terms of Monthly reporting, receiving, recording, storage, issuing of goods/drugs/commodities meant for the facility. • Ensures that stock records/ledgers are regularly updated using the Tally cards, etc. • Conducts and reports on periodic stock counts • Manages the vehicles and other moveable properties of the Association at the facility. • Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Supervisor Qualifications & Experience • A first degree in Accounting or its equivalent. • A minimum of 3 years relevant working experience., Proficiency in computer skills, spreadsheet, accounting packages and MS Word, Excel, Power Point is required. • Good working knowledge in Accpac Accounting Software is preferable. The Person Must have: • good working knowledge in the use of the computer • Experience in providing technical support to other staff • Have very good interpersonal, communication, and report writing skills • Must be honest, transparent and reliable • High sense of responsibility, accuracy and judgmental skills • Must be team player and able to work for long hours and under pressure • Must be able to work with little or no supervision and have an eye for details How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application Letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), "ALL in 1 File" including two referees and cell phone numbers to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be shortlisted for an interview. Closing Date: 24th March, 2023

Job Features

Job CategoryNon-Executive Position


PLANNED PARENTHOOD ASSOCIATION OF GHANA DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGIC PLAN (2023 – 2028) TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR)   1.0 Background The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) is a leading, volunteer-supported, rights-based, grass-root-based, and non-partisan CSO working in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Ghana. PPAG, established on 4th March 1967, is an affiliate (Member Association) of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and also enjoys goodwill from many international funding agencies. Over the past 54 years, PPAG has gained expertise and become a credible leader among CSOs working in the SRHR sector, with specialization in gender transformative approaches and adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights. The Association works to complement the government’s efforts in the provision of SRHR information, education and services to the general population, particularly young people (including adolescents) and women; and also, vulnerable groups including persons living with disability, prison inmates, adolescent female internal emigrants among others.   The Association has over the years undergone several strategic changes, all in attempts to respond successfully to the changing landscape of sexual and reproductive health and rights needs in Ghana and across the Africa region. Most recently, the organization’s strategic direction, as constituted in the current Strategic Plan (2016 – 2020 and extended to 2022), has been towards achieving the following: Government commits to and implements Global, Regional and National Policies, Protocols and Commitments in respect of SRHR; 3 million young people to act freely on their sexual reproductive health and rights; 8 million quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services delivered; PPAG becomes high performing, sustainable and accountable.   The two-year extension had become necessary and was based on a recommendation from a mid-term evaluation conducted by the association.   Since the organization’s strategic plan ended in 2022, there is a need to develop a new one that responds to the current SRHR climate within Ghana and the Africa region. As a member of IPPF, this new strategic plan is also expected to align to IPPF’s newly minted strategic framework titled ‘Come Together Strategy 2023-2038’. This new strategy is a strong response to the global changes that have severely impacted access to SRHR. Changes that have emanated from the devastating impact of pandemics, climate change, migration, structural injustice, and growing inequality. Again, contextually, it is expected that the new strategic plan integrates emerging concepts around digital health interventions (DHI), gender, and mental health among others.   Within this context, PPAG seeks the services of a consultant (s) to support the organization to develop a new, comprehensive, globally oriented but context-specific strategic plan for the period 2023 to 2028.   2.0 Purpose of the Assignment The overall purpose of this assignment is to lead the process of developing a new strategic plan for PPAG for the period 2023 – 2028 based on a critical review and analysis of the internal and external context of the Association as well as a review of emerging developments on SRH at global, regional and local contexts. 2.1 Specific Objectives;
  • Evaluate the current Strategic plan 2016 - 2022 (this includes the extension period of 2021 & 2022)
  • Undertake a situational analysis of SRHR in Ghana
  • Lead the process of the development of PPAGs Strategic Plan
  3.0 Scope and Process The assignment is a nationwide endeavour and is expected to cover all of PPAG’s operational sites across the country. The focus is expected to cover all of PPAG’s programmatic areas, strictly within the field of SRHR.   4.0 Schedule
Primary Task Timeline/Deadline Responsibility
Recruit consultant and contract February PPAG
Consultant conducts situational analysis 2nd week of March Consultant
Submit situational analysis report 4th week of March Consultant
Broad stakeholder consultation (including Volunteers, staff and partners) Field work/data collection/discussions 1st week of April
Hold workshop on strategic plan development with staff and partners 2nd week of April PPAG & Consultant
Submission of zero draft strategic plan 4th week of April Consultant
Hold validation meeting with stakeholders and PPAG 1st week of May PPAG & Consultant
Submit revised draft strategic plan for comments 3rd week of May Consultant
Finalization and submission of PPAG’s strategic plan 2nd week of June Consultant
Dissemination of strategic plan 4th week of June Consultant
  5.0 Key Deliverables The consultant (s) will be required to produce/develop/lead the following to PPAG:
  • Inception report - detailing implementation plan and methodology
  • Situational analysis report (of the SRHR sector)
  • Coordinate and facilitate field work/stakeholder engagement
  • Strategic plan document (draft and final versions)
  6.0 Management & Supervision PPAG will establish a technical committee to coordinate the entire process to develop the strategic plan. The committee is expected to provide regular updates on the process to PPAG Management. The Consultant shall work closely with the technical committee. The Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager of PPAG will be the focal person on the committee for the consultant.   7.0 Consultant’s Qualifications and Requirements Qualification: An advanced degree (minimum of a research-based master’s degree) from a recognized university in Public Health, Health Quality, Health Economy, Population Studies, Development Studies, International Development, Research Methodologies, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, or any related field.   Experience:
  • Minimum of 7 years’ extensive experience in programme design and management, and in strategic plan development and its processes within the field of SRHR
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of research methodologies and processes.
  • Good understanding of the SRH&R context in Ghana and Africa
  • Excellent skills in leading teams, and coordinating participatory processes
  • Fluency in communication in English
  • Application Requirements
The consultant or firm should provide the following in their application:
  • CVs of key personnel who will be involved in the study.
  • Evidence of similar assignments conducted within the last 5 years, including references. This should be captured in a table with the following headings: title of project/assessment/research; type of assessment/research (baseline, midterm, endline, strategic plan, etc); total budget; source of funds (donor); scope (geographic); subject area; and duration.
  • Technical proposal – detailed methodology, proposed structure of the strategic plan and work schedule. (max. 5 pages)
  • Financial proposal – budget should include all expected cost e.g. accommodation, travels, meals, man-hours, etc. The budget should also indicate the requisite national tax provisions.
  • Tax Clearance Certificate from GRA and Company Registration documents (if applicable).
All applications should be sent to: consultancy@ppag-gh.org The subject line should read: ‘Strategic Plan Development Consultancy’. Download Link:  https://www.ppag-gh.org/nu/?p=20183 Kindly ensure to submit all the required information and documentation as the scoring will be based strictly on that. The deadline for application is 10th February 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Job Features

Job CategoryConsultant

PLANNED PARENTHOOD ASSOCIATION OF GHANA DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGIC PLAN (2023 – 2028) TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR)   1.0 Background The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) is a leading, ...

  1. Background
Contraception is commonly considered a woman’s responsibility. Nevertheless, men can share the burden of contraception by supporting their female partner’s contraceptive choices, correctly and consistently using condoms, recognizing the limitations of withdrawal, and undergoing vasectomy. Given the inadequacy of condoms, ineffectiveness of withdrawal, and inaccessibility of vasectomy, only 15% of contraceptive-using women worldwide report using a male-controlled method of contraception.1 Without new male contraceptive methods (MCs), men’s engagement in family planning may remain insufficient for reducing the global rate of unplanned pregnancy. Fortunately, new, reversible hormonal and non-hormonal MCs are being developed that may not only reduce global unmet need for contraception, but also improve gender equity. Yet even if new MCs are approved for the market, their widespread dissemination and uptake by men and couples will rely on transformative changes in culture that make contraception a shared responsibility. Contemporary research that describes men’s contraceptive and reproductive experiences and behaviors, as well as examines men’s and women’s knowledge of, attitudes towards, and behaviors related to male contraceptives is needed. Such research would more comprehensively contextualize men and women’s willingness to use and rely on new MCs, while providing insight into cultural and structural changes needed to help men take a more active role in delaying pregnancy. Combining these data with women’s perceptions, attitudes and experiences towards new MCs and male contraceptive behaviors can help characterize the potential impact of new MCs on unmet contraceptive need, gender equity, and even men’s uptake of preventive health services beyond contraception. Within this context, The World Health Organization (WHO), the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) are collaborating to implement a research exercise that will break further grounds for the production of male contraception across the world, with specific contextual considerations. Additionally, the study will identify social and structural barriers that may need to be optimized with respect to men’s contraceptive roles and responsibilities before more widespread adoption of new MCs can be expected. Characterizing populations that may be more receptive to or hesitant about MCs can influence how these methods are introduced and distributed. Overall, the study has the following objectives:
  • Primary objectives:
  • To characterize the ways in which men participate in pregnancy prevention at the individual level, and in relation to their female partners and families.
  • To assess men’s attitudes towards the use of existing MCs and their willingness to try new MCs, with attention to the influence of gender norms.
  • To assess women’s attitudes towards their male partner’s involvement in contraceptive and pregnancy decision-making, their male partner’s use of existing MCs, and their willingness to rely on new MCs for pregnancy prevention.
  • Secondary objectives
  • To explore the role of (1) sociodemographic factors, (2) reproductive life plans, (3) engagement in family planning, and (4) masculine norms and gender roles on men’s use of existing MCs and attitudes towards new MCs.
  • To identify discordant contraceptive and reproductive attitudes among couples and explore their influence on willingness to use new MCs for pregnancy prevention.
  • To characterize an opportunity for increasing men’s uptake of preventive and promotive health services via accessing new MCs.
  • To explore institutional capacities and service providers’ perceptions around the provision of new MCs in the setting of current male reproductive health services.
PPAG, which is the lead implementor in Ghana, is thus seeking a research consultant (s) to support the implementation of this comprehensive exercise across the country. This is expected to provide quality contextual expertise and guidance on the research endeavour.
  1. Study Outcomes
To meet the goal and objectives of the study, the research consultant(s) will use a mixed methods methodology to implement the following:
  1. Characterize new and existing MC attitudes among men, with attention to differences between contraceptive-eligible and contraceptive-seeking individuals.
  2. Introduce men to a wider range of hormonal and non-hormonal new MC attributes (e.g., mechanisms of action, routes of administration, dosing schedules, time to effectiveness, need for semen analysis and potential side effects).
  3. Examine sociodemographic (e.g., age and SES), reproductive (e.g., history of pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy, desire for children), contraceptive (e.g., current method use and effectiveness), and psychosocial and gender norms factors (e.g., gender equitable beliefs, prioritization of sexual needs, involvement in contraceptive decision making) linked to men’s use of existing MCs and willingness to trial or use new MCs.
  4. Incorporate the attitudes of female partners of both contraceptive-eligible and contraceptive-seeking men, whose relationships and experiences deciding on and using contraception with their male partners may influence MC attitudes.
  5. Explore an opportunity to improve men’s adoption of preventive health behaviors and services via characterizing how, where, and how frequently men might access new MCs.
  6. Contextualize quantitative survey findings via qualitative, in-depth interviews targeting findings or specific sub-populations of interest from the survey.
  1. Scope
This would be a nationwide study, with pre-selected sites including Accra, Cape Coast, Kumasi, Techiman, Tamale and Kparigu. Social media, in specific reference to recruitment, would also be adopted to a significant extent in different aspects of the study. It is anticipated that not less than 300 participants would be recruited across the country for the quantitative aspect of the study, and not less than 30 for the qualitative component.
  1. Schedule
The study will span a period of 24 months, starting in January 2023 until December 2024. However, the consultant will not be engaged for the entirety of the period. Engagement will be based specifically on the man hours required to deliver the deliverables as required and according to an agreed work plan.
  1. Deliverables/Task of Consultant
The consultant will be expected to produce/develop/lead the following as part of the engagement:
  1. Facilitate renewal of ethical clearance for year 2.
  2. Inception report – revised research design and plan based on consultations with PPAG and partners.
  • Coordinate fieldwork
  1. Periodic progress update report
  2. Preliminary findings reports (both quantitative and qualitative components)
  3. Final reports
  • Slide decks on the final report
  • Manuscripts – three (3) approved manuscripts[1]
  1. Management & Supervision
The consultant(s) will be overseen directly by the Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of PPAG. The Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager of PPAG will be the focal person at PPAG for the consultant.
  1. Consultant’s Qualifications and Requirements
The lead consultant is expected to have the following qualifications:
  • An advanced degree (minimum of a research-based master’s degree) from a recognized university in Public Health, Health Quality, Health Economy, Population Studies, Development Studies, International Development, Research Methodologies, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, or any related field.
  • At least 5 years of progressive experience performing research and evaluation exercises for health-related programs.
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of research methodologies and processes.
  • Good understanding of the local health system, particularly regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
  • Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of a local language, preferably Akan would be an added advantage.
  1. Application Requirements
The consultant or firm should provide the following in their application:
  • CVs of key personnel who will be involved in the study.
  • Evidence of similar assignments conducted within the last 5 years, including references. This should be captured in a table with the following headings: title of project/assessment/research; type of assessment/research (baseline, midterm, endline, etc); total budget; source of funds (donor); scope (geographic); subject area; and duration.
  • Technical proposal – detailed research design, including schedule. (max. 5 pages)
  • Financial proposal – budget should include all expected cost e.g. accommodation, travels, meals, man-hours, etc. The budget should also indicate the requisite national tax provisions.
  • Certification in Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Clinical Trial Ethics Training (CITI), or any relevant research ethics certification
  • Tax Clearance Certificate from GRA and Company Registration documents (if applicable).
All applications should be sent to: consultancy@ppag-gh.org and ppaggh@gmail.com The subject line should read: ‘Male Contraception Study Consultancy’. All technical questions should be addressed to Kwasi Adu Manu (Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator) via email: amanu@ppag-gh.org. Only technical questions will be addressed. Kindly ensure to submit all the required information and documentation as the scoring will be based strictly on that. The deadline for application is 26th January 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. **This TOR can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vqfcEthhs7KbBpr955EHIMV3cKiUJxno/view?usp=share_link  https://www.ppag-gh.org/nu/download/a-global-study-of-men-and-womens-male-contraceptive-knowledge-attitudes-and-behaviours-using-mixed-methods-in-ghana/ [1] The definite number of manuscripts will be determined after the consultant is engaged

Job Features

Job CategoryConsultant


Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), an NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education and services, hereby invites result-oriented and committed persons to apply for the following vacant positions to be filled in the Association. POSITION: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DIRECTLY REPORT TO: PROCUREMENT AND ADMINISTRATION MANAGER LOCATIONS: HEAD OFFICE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The incumbent shall be responsible for the reception and general secretarial duties as detailed below: ▪ Answer and direct phone calls in a polite and friendly manner ▪ Welcome visitors in a warm and friendly manner and answer any questions visitors have ▪ Serve visitors by directing them appropriately ▪ Notify staff of the visitor’s arrival ▪ Coordinate staff travel activities ▪ Type correspondence and reports ▪ Ensure that incoming mails are sorted and duly distributed ▪ Ensure that on-going mails are sent on schedule ▪ Appropriately and properly files all documents and correspondence all the time ▪ Provides secretarial support to the HR unit ▪ Assist in the organization of seminars, meetings conferences etc. ▪ Ensure that the office environment is clean and tidy ▪ Ensure the judicious use of stationery and equipment ▪ Assist in the collation of performance Appraisal forms and properly filed ▪ Receive all medical claim forms and properly documented for further action ▪ Under the directive and guidance of HRM monitor leave of all staff and file leave documents. ▪ Under the directive and guidance of HRM assist in all recruitment activities. ▪ Assist in preparing monthly payment allowance of National Service Personnel. ▪ Ensure the existence of an updated staff records ▪ Assist in orientation programs ▪ Assist in Preparing monthly, quarterly and annual report. ▪ Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the immediate supervisor QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE First degree BSc Administration (Human Resource Option), Management Studies or its equivalent with a minimum of three (3) years relevant working experience. OTHER QUALITIES & REQUIREMENTS The applicant; - ▪ Must have good innovative, proactive and goal-oriented attitude ▪ Good working knowledge in computer skills ▪ Very good interpersonal and human relations ▪ Excellent report writing, communication and customer service skills. ▪ Must be able to work with little or no supervision and under pressure ▪ Must have high sense of responsibility and be able to take initiatives ▪ Must be youth friendly and a team player ▪ Must have well- established understanding of administrative procedures and the ability to multitask How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application Letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), including two referees and cell phone numbers in 1 FIle to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be shortlisted for an interview. Closing Date: Two weeks from date of first publication

Job Features

Job CategoryNon-Executive Position

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), an NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) educat...

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), an NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education and services, hereby invites result-oriented and committed persons to apply for the following vacant positions to be filled in the Association. POSITION: PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT DIRECTLY REPORT TO: SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGER LOCATION: KPARIGU DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Serve as the facility head • Provide routine patient consultation on minor ailments, reviewing detention and admitted cases on ward rounds and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) issues including Family Planning counseling, HIV/AIDS management and treatment of STI’s and Post Abortion Care • Provide SRHR education/information to patients and clients • Ensure the effective overall running of the Clinic • Manage emergency clinical cases. • Assist in providing curative and preventive health services in the clinic. • Ensure the efficient use of clinical equipment and resources • Prepare and follow an effective referral system, where necessary • Refer cases to the appropriate facility, if necessary. • Ensure that clinical reports are collated and submitted as required • Collate and analyze service statistics to improve service delivery and programmes • Ensure effective infection control in the clinic and adhering to quality of care (QoC) • Supervise and ensure the effective implementation of SBCC activities in the clinic and the community • Ensure that staff provide effective and efficient clinical services and service delivery • Ensure that clients and providers rights are adhered to • Liaise with other nurses and midwives to ensure that clinical standards are adhered to • Attend meetings and training programmes as required • Prepare Annual Work Plan and Performance Appraisal • Performs any other related duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE A degree in Physician Assistantship or any other higher related field with a minimum of five (5) years relevant working experience, 3 of which must be in a managerial or administrative position. Having additional qualification in Mental, General or Midwifery Nursing is an added advantage. OTHER QUALITIES & REQUIREMENTS The applicant; - ▪ Very good interpersonal, communication, report writing and presentation skills ▪ Must be honest, transparent and reliable ▪ Must be friendly and accommodative ▪ High sense of responsibility, humour, be judgmental and able to take initiatives ▪ Must be a team player ▪ Must be able to work for long hours and under pressure ▪ Ability to travel at short notices How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application Letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), in 1 File including two referees and cell phone numbers to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be shortlisted for an interview. Closing Date: 30th November, 2022.

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), an NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) educat...

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), an NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education and services, hereby invites result-oriented and committed persons to apply for the following vacant positions to be filled in the Association. POSITION: FINANCE ADMINISTRATION OFFICER DIRECTLY REPORT TO: FACILITY HEAD INDIRECTLY REPORT TO: SENIOR FINANCE MANAGER and PROCUREMENT AND ADMINISTRATION MANAGER HEAD OFFICE LOCATION: Tamale DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Prepares monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual projects and other financial and any other reports that may be assigned • Coordinate and ensure that expenses are incurred in accordance with the Association’s policies. • Coordinates and ensures that expenditure returns are received, reviewed, properly coded and entered into the accounting system. • Prepares consolidated final accounts and supporting schedules for the end- of -year audits • Ensures that consistency is maintained in the internal control system and report any lapses to the Senior Finance Manager • Coordinates and ensures that funds are available for activity implementation • Undertakes monthly update of Fixed Asset Register for the facility and projects • Ensures that all non-current assets are well coded and recorded in the assets register. • Facilitate procurement of goods, works and services in accordance with PPAG’s policies and procedures at the facility. • Ensure that all assets are properly maintained and insured at all time. • Prepares monthly Bank Reconciliation statements • Assists in preparation of Annual Business Plan (BP) • Prepares Annual Workplans and completes Performance Appraisal Form • Manages the facility’s store in terms of Monthly reporting, receiving, recording, storage, issuing of goods/drugs/commodities meant for the facility. • Ensures that stock records/ledgers are regularly updated using the Tally cards, etc. • Conducts and reports on periodic stock counts • Manages the vehicles and other moveable properties of the Association at the facility. • Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Supervisor Qualifications & Experience • A first degree in Accounting or its equivalent. • A minimum of 3 years relevant working experience., Proficiency in computer skills, spreadsheet, accounting packages and MS Word, Excel, Power Point is required. • Good working knowledge in Accpac Accounting Software is preferable. The Person Must have: • good working knowledge in the use of the computer • Experience in providing technical support to other staff • Have very good interpersonal, communication, and report writing skills • Must be honest, transparent and reliable • High sense of responsibility, accuracy and judgmental skills • Must be team player and able to work for long hours and under pressure • Must be able to work with little or no supervision and have an eye for details How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application etters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), in 1 File including two referees and cell phone numbers to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be shortlisted for an interview. Closing Date: 30th November, 2022

The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), an NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) educat...

BACKGROUND The Youth Action Movement (YAM) is the youth wing of IPPF Member Associations (MAs) in Africa. Constituting young volunteers within the ages of 10-24, the Movement which begins at the grassroot level is mandated to advocate for and act on behalf of young people’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and other challenges that the youth face. YAM is organised from the grassroot level to the national level. [pdf-embedder url="https://www.ppag-gh.org/ppag/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/TOR-20-Consultant-YAM-Coordination-Mechanism-AT.pdf" title="TOR-(20%) Consultant YAM Coordination Mechanism - AT"]

BACKGROUND The Youth Action Movement (YAM) is the youth wing of IPPF Member Associations (MAs) in Africa. Constituting young volunteers within the ages of 10-24, the Movement which begins at […...

Background The Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of young people, who constitute about a sixth of the world’s population remain a global public health concern (Starrs et al., 2018). It threatens the achievement of the demographic dividend and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially, goals 3, 4, and 5; with adolescent pregnancies, unsafe abortions, maternal mortality, high drop-out rates from school; child marriage; exposure to violence, abuse, HIV and sexually transmitted infections; obstetric fistula and mental health challenges persistent in disproportionate rates (Frost et al., 2016). [pdf-embedder url="https://www.ppag-gh.org/ppag/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/TOR_5Consultancy-Desk-reveiw-E-Aug-.pdf" title="TOR_(5%)Consultancy-Desk reveiw E-Aug"]  

Background The Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of young people, who constitute about a sixth of the world’s population remain a global public health concern (Starrs et al., [&hellip...

BACKGROUND With almost 70% of young people using the Internet globally (ITC 2020), the opportunities to provide information and education through digital means are endless. Digital Health Interventions (DHI) has emerged as a viable option to deliver SRHR information and services in a wider scope to users. Globally, DHI has been touted as one of the foremost interventions that is contributing to closing the gap in SRHR service delivery. The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) has over the past years adopted DHI as intervention measure in response to the pandemic, with remarkable results. [pdf-embedder url="https://www.ppag-gh.org/ppag/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/TOR_5-Consultancy-for-Digital-App_Aug-25.pdf" title="TOR_(5%) Consultancy for Digital App_Aug 25"]

BACKGROUND With almost 70% of young people using the Internet globally (ITC 2020), the opportunities to provide information and education through digital means are endless. Digital Health Intervention...

POSITION: FINANCE COORDINATOR REPORT TO: SENIOR FINANCE MANAGER LOCATION: HEAD OFFICE (ACCRA) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Prepares consolidated project’s monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual reports and any other reports that may be assigned • Coordinate and ensure that project returns are received, reviewed, properly coded and entered into the accounting system. • Prepares project’s consolidated final accounts and supporting schedules for the end- of -year audits • Provides Technical support to project staff and other implementing and advise management on further capacity needs • Coordinates and ensure that funds are available for project implementation • Assists in the preparation of PPAG final accounts • Undertakes monthly supervision of the update of Project’s Fixed Asset Register • Prepares monthly Bank Reconciliation statements • Assists in preparation of project budget, Annual Programme and Budget (APB) and any other financial information to Management for decision-making. • Prepares Annual Workplans and completes Performance Appraisal Form • Performs any other duties that may be assigned by the immediate supervisor Qualifications & Experience • A first degree in Accounting or its equivalent. Partly qualified in any recognized Professional Accountancy Body will be an added advantage. • A minimum of 5 years relevant working experience., Proficiency in computer skills, spreadsheet, accounting packages (such as QuickBooks and Great Plain) and MS Word, Excel, Power Point is requires. • Good working knowledge in Accpac Accounting Software is preferable. The Person Must have: • good working knowledge in the use of the computer • Experience in providing technical support to other staff • Have very good interpersonal, communication, and report writing skills • Must be honest, transparent and reliable • High sense of responsibility, accuracy and judgmental skills • Must be team player and able to work for long hours and under pressure • Must be able to work with little or no supervision and have an eye for details How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application Letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), including two referees and cell phone numbers into a Single file to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be shortlisted for an interview. Closing Date: 24th June, 2022.


POSITION: Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator REPORTS TO: Research, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager LOCATION: Head Office (ACCRA) Job Role: Developing a strong M&E system and playing the key role of facilitating the input of staff of the Association partners and other stakeholders in planning, designing and measurement of programme and services delivery activities with the aim of achieving the Project targets. Key Functions: • Tracking and updating M&E data as well as ensuring the data is of the best quality possible • Ensuring proper and timely analysis and reporting of data using appropriate software JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Working under the direction of the RM&E Manager will ensure high-quality programme information is available and used to promote program accountability, learning and improvement. • The job holder will perform quality control and regulate audit of the programme progress and results. • S/he will also provide informed and independent professional advice to the Association with a view to improve the delivery process and achieving high impact outcomes. • Liaise with other partners on data related matters • Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation plan • Helping determine performance and impact indicators and targets • Providing support to proposal development for M&E components • Design and maintain a monitoring and evaluation system for the programme timely and trustworthy data results • Master and lead in the use of technological innovations for collecting and analysing data so as to measure programming impact. • Lead to prepare project reports for management relevant bodies as well as guide partner agencies in preparing their reports when required. • Monitoring project activities, outputs and progress towards anticipated results • Working with data platforms, databases and select technologies to capture and organize data • Conducting or providing support to data quality assessments • Developing monthly, quarterly or annual reports depending on project requirements • Disseminating evaluation findings and project results to donors and other stakeholders • Per any other duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisor. QUALIFICATION AND SKILLS • First degree in statistics, project management or related fields. • At least 5-year experience as an M&E expert in development work. • Excellent end –user skills in an M&E software commonly used by INGOs. • Familiarity with the Results Framework approach is required. • Experience in M&E methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory). • Demonstrated experience and skills in information analysis and writing comprehensive and high quality reports. • Advance computer skills in all MS Office programmes. • Personal specification will include excellent statistical acumen, investigation skills and writing skills • Prior management experience and strong organizational skills. • Excellent oral and written English skills How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application Letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), including two referees and cell phone numbers in a Single file to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be shortlisted for an interview. Closing Date: 24th June, 2022

POSITION: Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator REPORTS TO: Research, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager LOCATION: Head Office (ACCRA) Job Role: Developing a strong M&E system and playing the k...

POSITION: Project Officer (2 Positions) REPORTS TO: Programmes Coordinator LOCATION: Head Office (ACCRA) JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ▪ To implement and coordinate activities of the Oxfam project in the implements ▪ To implement and coordinate activities of the National Strategic Plan (NSP) ▪ Ensure proper implementation of Volunteer Activities (Adults and YAM) in the Central and Western Regions ▪ To compile specific project reports (i.e. Oxfam) ▪ Ensure proper documentation of information of the project. ▪ Assist in ensuring timely submission of quality reports ▪ Conduct periodic verifications of data at the project site ▪ Generate trends of project achievement and circulate same for decision making ▪ Assist the M & E Coordinator in monitoring and supervision of projects in the catchment areas ▪ To assist in the preparation and finalization of project reports (Monthly, Quarterly, Half year, Annual, IPPF and Donors) ▪ To assist the M & E Coordinator in the planning and preparation of the project site’s Annual Programme and Budget ▪ Assist in the development of innovative programmes and proposal for funding ▪ Perform any other duties assigned by Immediate Supervisor QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE A first degree in the Social Sciences/Sciences or its equivalent with a minimum of three (3) years post qualification experience in related field OTHER QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ▪ Strong analytical and quantitative skills ▪ Must have good innovative, proactive and goal-oriented skills ▪ High sense of responsibility ▪ A strong Knowledge in current SRH and population issues ▪ Strong interpersonal, communication and leadership skills ▪ Ability to work independently with little or no supervision ▪ Good computer literacy skills ▪ Must be a team player and be able to take initiatives ▪ Must be able to travel at short notice ▪ Ability to work for long hours and under pressure How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application Letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), including two referees and cell phone numbers in a Single file to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview. Closing Date: 24th June, 2022

POSITION: Project Officer (2 Positions) REPORTS TO: Programmes Coordinator LOCATION: Head Office (ACCRA) JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ▪ To implement and coordinate activities of the Oxfam project...

POSITION: Programmes Manager REPORTS TO: Director of Programmes & Service Delivery LOCATION: Head Office (ACCRA) Job Role Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Director of Programmes and Service Delivery DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Monitor, supervise and coordinate the implementation of all other projects apart from the youthfocused projects • Plan, coordinate and oversee standardization of all the projects in the Association ensuring that all agreements and requirements under the various projects are adhered to • Collaborate with all stakeholders and partners to ensure successful implementation of activities in projects that PPAG partners with other organizations. • Provide technical support to the Project Officers in the field • Ensure that the capacity of Project Officers are built for effective performance. • Plan, organize and coordinate all project meetings. • Support the Director of Programmes and Service Delivery (DPSD) to develop proposals for funding from existing and newly identified donors • Assist the DPSD in collating and finalizing projects’ reports and documents • Assist the DPSD to plan and prepare the Annual Business Plan (ABP) • Coordinates activities related to specific projects and identifies possible areas of collaborations • Collaborate with the M&E Manager to ensure proper collection and collation of data from all projects as well as ensuring all projects’ information are properly documented. • Prepare annual work plans for all the projects • Carry out performance appraisals for all project staff • Performs any other duties in line with PPAG mission as may be requested by the DSD&P QUALIFICATION, EXPERIENCE AND REQUIREMENTS • A Masters’ degree in the Social Sciences/Psychology/Public Health or its equivalent with a minimum of five (5) years relevant working experience; 3 of which, must be in key project management or managerial position. • A certificate in project management will be an added advantage • Excellent managerial, analytical and quantitative skills • Excellent report writing, communication and presentation skills • Very good interpersonal skills, good human relations and a team player • Must have good innovative, proactive and goal oriented skills • Must be able to work with little or no supervision • Excellent in the use of the computer • Must have high sense of responsibility and be able to take initiatives as well as the ability to work for long hours and under pressure • Must be able to travel at short notice How to Apply All interested persons with requisite qualification(s), should kindly send their Application Letters with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), including two referees and cell phone numbers in a Single file to: recruitment@ppag-gh.org Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview. Closing Date: 24th June, 2022

POSITION: Programmes Manager REPORTS TO: Director of Programmes & Service Delivery LOCATION: Head Office (ACCRA) Job Role Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Director of Progr...